ip sla responder
ip sla enable reaction-alerts
ip sla 1
udp-jitter 16384 num-packets 100 interval 20
request-data-size 172
tos 176
ip sla schedule 1 start-time now life forever
ip sla reaction-configuration 1 react jitterDSAvg threshold-value 35 30 threshold-type consecutive 3
ip sla reaction-configuration 1 react jitterSDAvg threshold-value 35 30 threshold-type consecutive 3
ip sla reaction-configuration 1 react rtt threshold-value 225 200 threshold-type consecutive 3
ip sla reaction-configuration 1 react packetLossSD threshold-value 2 1 threshold-type consecutive 3
ip sla reaction-configuration 1 react packetLossDS threshold-value 2 1 threshold-type consecutive 3
event manager applet VoIP-Test-Alert
description "Send syslog msg if rrt delay > 225 or jitter > 35 ms or packet loss > 2%”
event tag e1 ipsla operation-id 1 reaction-type jitterDSAvg
event tag e2 ipsla operation-id 1 reaction-type jitterSDAvg
event tag e3 ipsla operation-id 1 reaction-type rtt
event tag e4 ipsla operation-id 1 reaction-type packetLossSD
event tag e5 ipsla operation-id 1 reaction-type packetLossDS
trigger occurs 1 period 360
correlate event e1 or event e2 or event e3 or event e4 or event e5
action 1.0 if $_ipsla_measured_threshold_value gt $_ipsla_threshold_rising
action 2.0 syslog priority notification msg "$_ipsla_react_type = $_ipsla_measured_threshold_value is over threshold $_ipsla_threshold_rising to destination $_ipsla_dest_ip_addr”
action 3.0 end
Seems to work but I cannot figure whether using applets if it is possible to expend this by having another applet realize that all my reactions for IP SLA 1 are under their falling theshold and thus issue a syslog message that all is A-OK.
thx in advance for any suggestions.
[출처] ip SLA with Cisco EEM|작성자 꼬마동네
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